Resource Library
Acceptable Use (Computers)
- Case Study: (Un)acceptable Use (Employee accesses prohibited websites with his work computer over the VCU network) (OL)
Accountability Matrix
Code of Conduct
Compliance and You
- Case Study: Keep it Confidential (Employee discussing private personnel matters) (OL)
Conflict of Interest / COI
- Assessing COIs (JA)
- Case Study: All in the Family (Family members working together) (OL)
- Case Study: Close-ups and Kickbacks (Conflicts with vendors) (OL)
- Case Study: Crochet Hooks and Conflicts (Side business) (OL)
- Case Study: Double Trouble in the Lab (PI's company employees working in her VCU lab) (OL)
- Case Study: No Mischief Here (COI Management Plans) (OL)
- Case Study: Playing for Both Teams at Once (Working under FT contracts for two universities) (OL)
- Case Study: Soliciting for Swimsuits (Asking colleagues for donations) (OL)
- Conflict of Interest/Outside Professional Activity Disclosure Form (OL)
- If it's disclosed it can be managed (JA)
- If you’re involved with…/Disclose it.
- We disclose COIs (P)
- What’s a conflict?
Conflict of Interest / COI Discloser Training
- Convercent User Guide for Disclosers
- Frequently Asked Questions Q&A Sheet
- Convercent Questionnaire Guide
Conflict of Interest / COI Reviewer Training
- COI: Reviewer Job Aid (JA)
- COI: Reviewer Quick Convercent Guide (D)
- COI: Reviewer Training Video (V)
CORE Training Videos - Ethics & Compliance, Fall 2023
- Chief Venuti - Reporting a COI to the ICO (V)
- Dr. Sriram Rao - Benefits of Speaking up (V)
- Living Our Values (Featuring Faculty & Staff) (V)
- What Students Want/Training Welcome Message from Suzanne Milton (V)
CORE Training Videos - Ethics & Compliance, Spring 2024 (Listed in release order)
- Welcome - With Conditions (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Rubio: Called the Helpline (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Thompson: Didn't report/Talked to investigators (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Melton: Didn't report/Talked to investigators (V)
- What did they do? - Carol: Did report/Talked to a manager (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Ahearn: Didn't report/Didn't talk to investigators (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Evans: Subject of the investigation/Talked to investigators (V)
- What did they do? - Dr. Watkins: Alleged victim/Didn't report/Talked to investigators (V)
Data Security
- Found USBs are like ABC gum…(P)
- Lock it down (data) (P)
- Shred it! Keep it confidential (P)
Ethical Decisions
Ethics & Compliance Program
- What does the E&C team do?
- 7 elements of a compliance program
Expression and Space Utilization
- Case Study: Two for Fraud (2 employees commit fraud while in their roles at VCU) (OL)
- Have something to say?
- How to spot fraud messaging (D)
- Red flags for fraud (JA)
- Gifts 101 (JA)
- Gifts 101 (D)
- Case Study: Close-ups and Kickbacks (Gifts and Vendors) (OL)
- Case Study: Crushed (Sexual and other harassment- Warning: Some content may disturb some readers) (OL)
- Case Study: #Unacceptable (Sexual Harassment - Warning: Some content may disturb some readers) (OL)
Information Security
- Case Study: He put what in the lesson? (Instructor accidentally posts students' personal info online) (OL)
- Case Study: Sent Too Soon (OL)
- If you're handling information... (JA)
- Cooperating with internal investigations
- Investigation Guidelines (D)
- Investigation Training Webinar (V) *Coming soon 5/5
- What to expect during an internal investigation (JA)
- Case Study: What if the allegations against me aren't true? (OL)
- Executive Summary of Proposed Policy Template (D)
- Policy Library (OL)
- Policy Points Newsletter (quarterly policy updates) (OL)
- Policy Retirement Template (D)
- Policy Review Checklist (D)
- Policy Template (D)
Politics (participation in)
Psychological Safety
- Case Study: On Notice - Bad Behavior (Employee behaves disrespectfully toward colleagues) (OL)
- Case Study: Fear and Loathing in the Workplace (Manager threatens retaliation) (OL)
- We do not tolerate retaliation (P)
- We do not tolerate retaliation (V)
- Non-retaliation for Managers (JA, M)
- Non-retaliation for Managers (D, M)
Speaking Up
- 7 myths about speaking up (and the truth)
- Case Study: Don't Follow the Leader (Warning: Leader uses bigoted and prejudiced language) (OL)
- Case Study: Speak up for Safety (An employee reports a colleague who is falsifying safety reports) (OL)
- Do you have a tough conversation ahead of you?
- Don’t drop the mic. Speak up!
- Finding your Voice (S)
- Finding your Voice (V)
- Has an employee come to you with a concern? (Job aid) (JA, M)
- Stuck with a tough decision? Call us.
- Talk to Us (P)
- When to escalate concerns to Compliance
- Case Study: Not for Commercial Use! (Using VCU resources to make items you sell online) (OL)
Third Parties
- Do you know your third parties?
- If your third party does one of these/Talk to them