blue magnifying glass iconEthics and Compliance Investigations

All concerns submitted to the VCU Helpline or directly to the ICO are taken seriously. We appreciate very much the courage it takes to make a report about something you have experienced in your work environment, especially when reporting outside of your unit.

Our goal is to address reported concerns with a fair and transparent process, and we are happy to answer any questions our university community members may have. You can reach us at

Here's a little more detail about the process: 


VCU's commitment to non-retaliation

By asking a question, raising a concern in good faith, or participating in a workplace investigation, you are following the Code of Conduct and doing the right thing. Retaliation (or threat of retaliation) is not tolerated.

VCU defines retaliation as an adverse employment action, or credible threat of an adverse employment action, taken against an employee who has reported known or suspected misconduct, participated in an inquiry or investigation, or raised a concern. Disciplinary action resulting from performance or taken as a result of misconduct is not considered retaliation. Types of adverse action include, but are not limited to: dismissal from employment; demotion; unfounded negative job references; loss of salary or benefits; transfer or reassignment; denial of promotion that otherwise would have been received; and/or unwarranted written notices or change in day to day job duties. Managers should be especially mindful of taking actions that may be perceived as retaliation. To learn more, please review the universitywide Duty to Report and Protection from Retaliation policy.


Crimes are reported to VCU Police and the Commonwealth’s Attorney's Office.
Questions about this process may be directed to the University Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer at 804-828-2336.