Compliance Committees

Compliance Steering Committee

The purpose of the Compliance Steering Committee (CSC) is to enhance integration, communication and collaboration between the largest compliance partners across VCU. The CSC

  • meets on a quarterly basis
  • is comprised of representatives from the university’s 10 largest compliance units
  • shares best practices for sustaining and improving the ethics and compliance program
  • monitors and continually assesses requirements and risks in respective disciplines
  • provides feedback and support to the Integrity and Compliance Office on the ethics and compliance program
  • provides information and guidance to the Compliance Advisory Committee

Questions regarding this group should be directed to the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Suzanne Milton at

Compliance Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Compliance Advisory Committee (CAC) is to foster a culture of ethics and compliance by contributing to the effectiveness of the universitywide ethics and compliance program through leading by example; bringing awareness to ethics and compliance initiatives; monitoring and continually assessing requirements and risks in respective disciplines; promoting ethical behavior; and sharing information and best practices.

CAC Member Commitment includes:

  • Maintaining understanding and oversight of governmental regulations and other compliance requirements in respective areas, including tracking emerging issues in the regulatory environment
  • Participating in the development and implementation of universitywide ethics and compliance policies 
  • Effectively communicating universitywide policies and ethics and compliance initiatives
  • Provide compliance training and education to the university community
  • Appropriately addressing and resolving - or help others to - ethics and compliance issues that arise, including enforcement and implementation of corrective action plans
  • Being prepared for, and participating in, internal and external audits and investigations
  • Informing the university’s risk management processes
  • Communicating and promoting a culture of ethics and compliance
  • Providing feedback to and consulting with the Integrity and Compliance Office in order to contribute to a continuous, comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the university’s ethics and compliance program

Questions regarding this group should be directed to the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, Suzanne Milton at

View the Compliance Responsibility and Accountability Matrix. The Matrix contains a list of departments/offices and the compliance issues each of these areas oversees.